IP4GROWTH was presented to almost 80 ACP project representatives at the Joint Stakeholder Conference, Investing in the knowledge economy within ACP states, of three ACP-EU Programmes that was held at the ACP House in Brussels from 1st to 2nd April 2014.
In this two-day event, IP4GROWTH was first introduced to the audience its objectives and outputs in a one-minute presentation. Then, further discussion was given in a poster session where attendees could get familiar with the project in detail.
The conference, which attracted delegates from Africa, Caribbean and the Pacific fostered networking and co-operation among grant beneficiaries of the three programmes– EDULINK II, ACP Science and Technology II and ACP Caribbean & Pacific Research Programme for Sustainable Development. The invited stakeholders and grant managers shared the common goal of integrating the ACP States in the world economy by means of investments in higher education, science, research and technology. In addition, it allowed participants to establish contacts, shared experiences, discussed plans and future collaborations, and gained knowledge on appropriately managing their projects.
Representatives from the University of Alicante, co-ordinator of 6 EDULINK and 2 ACP Science and Technology II projects, presented the projects together with six delegates from the ACP countries.
Photos courtesy of ACP: Participants at the conference; Map of project partners under the EDULINK II, ACP S&T II and the ACP Caribbean and Pacific Research Programme).